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The Alexander French Horn Stopping Mute is the loudest stop mute on the market so you can harness true stopping power. The Alexander Stopping Mute is the only stop mute that can be tuned to match a specific horn. It comes with small and large bells, which can produce brighter or darker tone colours.


The Denis Wick French Horn Stopping Mute is a necessity for French Horn players, as the perfect alternative to the traditional hand-stopping method. It offers an exact semitone transposition, especially for the lower parts, that you can rely on. Denis Wick Stopping Mutes also offer a clean attack and clear tone, so it's a great option those who are looking for consistent transposition or alternative tone colours.


Marcus Bonna mutes are handcrafted in Brazil. These practice mutes are made from wood and cardboard and have a foam ring around the top to ensure a snug fit within the bell. The Marcus Bonna Mute will also fit inside the mute space of most French Horn cases, so that you can enjoy easy portability.

The Marcus Bonna Practice Mute comes with a soft padded nylon pouch.


MKII model

The Shhh-Mute French Horn Practice Mute will give you a practice mute with reliable pitching and good tuning ability, as well as helping you develop and open your throat muscles so that your tone will be improved. Thanks to years of research by Trevor Bremner has resulted in the best practice mute for your French Horn ever.

Extend your practice sessions with the improved resistance factor of the Shhh-Mute French Horn Practice Mute.

Change the way you study with the new Stomvi Upmute. The Upmute incorporates resistance inside the mute, which not only achieves a recution in volume, but also forces the player to blow more efficiently which encourages more effortless playing. Therefore, it’s more a study tool than a practice mute. It's comfortable to play and allows the player to blow quite freely and with different dynamics. The UpSound filter in it allows the player to “feel” when they are using too much effort. The idea is to play the trombone with the UpMute and use the least amount of effort to p... [view details]
Change the way you study with the new Stomvi Upmute. The Upmute incorporates resistance inside the mute, which not only achieves a recution in volume, but also forces the player to blow more efficiently which encourages more effortless playing. Therefore, it’s more a study tool than a practice mute. It's comfortable to play and allows the player to blow quite freely and with different dynamics. The UpSound filter in it allows the player to “feel” when they are using too much effort. The idea is to play the trombone with the UpMute and use the least amount of effort to p... [view details]