New design!
The Deflector Pro is the new version of the Deflector, a device that helps players hear themselves. Working on your sound, articulation, and dynamics is much easier with the Deflector Pro. Using a Deflector is similar to playing against a wall, but more direct and far more effective. It enables you to practice more softly, and can be extremely helpful in both gigs and rehearsals, allowing you to hear your true sound.
- Redirects sound back to the player's ears
- Attaches to the instrument in seconds
- Great for playing at home
- Very effective for playing in a band
The Deflector Pro features include:
- Clip
- Sound mirror SAX, for use with a baritone, tenor, alto and curved soprano sax
- Sound mirror TRP, for use with a trumpet and straight soprano sax
- Sound mirror TRB, for use with a trombone
- Pouch (draw-string bag)
- Manual