Jo Ral Trumpet / Cornet Straight Mute


Enjoy a premium-quality mute with the Jo Ral Trumpet / Cornet Straight Mute. Jo-Ral Mutes benefit from over 30 years of experience, providing greater levels of acoustical and tonal performance. They have been tried and tested by some of the most talented professionals in the business, in every musical venue from symphonic band and orchestra to jazz and studio sessions.

The Jo Ral Mute creates exciting tonal qualities with near-perfect intonation thanks to the spun aluminium which has been shown to perform evenly in all registers. Experience a whole new level of sound with the Jo Ral Straight Mute.

All aluminium: Great for that classic jazz sound

Copper bottom: produces a powerfully dark and rich sound

Brass bottom: for a slightly warmer, almost dark sound

Made by Jo Ral Mutes

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