For clarinets and oboes with thumb rests wider than 15mm
The BG clarinet and oboe thumb rest cushion ensures a standard of comfortability while playing the clarinet or oboe, providing padding for your right-hand thumb that sits under the thumb rest. This is especially handy for younger players who might be struggling with the weight of the instrument.
For something else that'll keep the weight off your thumb, a neck strap is also a good idea.
Phone +61 2 9557 4588 If out of order call 0449 531 561 Shop 3, 158 Parramatta Rd Camperdown 2050 NSW Australia Email Directions and Map
Business hours* Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 9:30 - 5:30 Thursday: 9:30 - 7:00 Friday: 9:30 - 5:30 Saturday - 9:00 - 3:30 Sunday and Public Holidays - Closed