What do I need to buy for my new instrument?
Sax & Woodwind …and Brass

What do I need to buy for my new instrument?

A Guide to Buying Accessories for Your Instrument

For instruments and more make sure to check out our SMART CHOICE instrument packages and our BACK TO SCHOOL page!

We recommend that you at least have a MUSIC STAND for the player to use for practice at home

Your teacher of band conductor will recommend a MUSIC BOOK

FLUTES - most new flutes come with everything you need except:

CLARINETS- many items are supplied with a new clarinet except for:

SAXOPHONES - You may need to purchase some items as well as reeds:

  • REEDS are an ongoing purchase
  • MOUTHPIECE CUSHIONS make playing more comfortable and protect the mouthpiece from tooth marks
  • You may wish to buy a more comfortable STRAP or HARNESS (especially for younger players)
  • You will need to purchase CLEANING SWABS if you buy a Yamaha saxophone, one is supplied with most other brands
  • A SAXOPHONE STAND is useful, a budget stand is available
  • Eventually you will need a new SWAB and CORK GREASE

OBOES - You may need to purchase extra items if not supplied with the oboe:

TRUMPETS AND CORNETS - Most new instruments come with everything you need except

TROMBONES - New trombones come with most things you need except:

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